Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Dear Daddy - Day 4

Dear Daddy--

We don't have a lot to report today. Mommy went to work. She said today was harder than yesterday--kinda like how the second day running after not having run for a super long time is worst than the first day. Plus, I was a little fussy when she got home and tried to feed me, but we are figuring it all out. We don't have many pictures for today. Us girls are just hanging out.

Mommy also made girlie food for dinner--a Zesty Quinoa Salad. She said it was very yummy but not he-man food at all. Plus, it has cilantro.

 Finally, Mommy asked me to include swaddling instructions for Grandma because Grandma is having trouble with it, and you are the swaddling genius, so you can make sure I get it all correct.
Step 1 - Set up blanket with the top corner folded over like so:

Step 2 - Place baby on blanket (I like to be swaddled in a SwaddleMe first):
Step 3 - Place left corner of blanket over baby and tuck it under the baby:
Step 4 - With baby's legs straight, fold bottom corner across to baby's right shoulder and tuck under baby.
Step 5 - Fold upper right edge over baby.
Step 6 - Fold remaining corner over baby and tuck all the way under baby. As you always say, "Take the tail of the comet and wrap it around my shooting star."
And now you have a happy baby burrito. Ta-da! Did I get it all right, Daddy?
Mommy and I hope you have a good day tomorrow. Drink plenty of water! :)
Your Lottie-bell


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