Tuesday, April 22, 2014

New Parent Challenge: Waking Up a Newborn to Eat

Lottie is a very good sleeper, and while she is also a good eater, she would rather sleep. However, the doctor told us that newborns must eat every 2-3 hours for the first couple of weeks, so we should wake her up for her feedings. Ha. Waking up a newborn is no small feat. It often includes tickling, raspberries, removing all clothes, diaper changes, kisses, and lots of overly-excited talking--often with very little success. Or you wake them up enough to start eating only to have them pass out while feeding. All that being said, you end up seeing a lot of funny faces as this battle of wills plays out. Chris and I decided to record the process since Lottie's expressions crack us up.

Our Life Lesson for Week 2

Don't fix what isn't broken.

Lottie has taught Chris and I this a few times. You may think that the baby looks uncomfortable with her neck bent a certain way, but if she is sleeping fine then LEAVE THAT BABY BE. If you decide to be sweet and fix her neck, you may spend the next 45 minutes trying to explain to a peeved baby why you would mess with her when she so clearly was happily asleep. 

1 comment:

  1. She is too stinkin cute :) thanks for posting the video,we can't wait till we get to see her in person!
