Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Update on Lottie Weeks 4 & 5

Lottie is growing by leaps and bounds. She is developing thigh and arm rolls (I told her to eat as much as she wants because this is the only time in her life when having rolls will be considered cute--gotta live it up while you can). She is now in Size 1 diapers and transitioning into 3 month old clothing. She is smiling in response to silly things her Daddy and I do. We are also putting her on her tummy for about 10 minutes a day, and she can raise her head enough to move it to face the other direction and push up with her legs to raise her bum in the air. We have also given her a bottle. I was very worried about it, but she loves to eat so much that she doesn't seem to care how her food is given to her. She is an eater--she has taken 5-6 ounces a feeding each time we have given her a bottle. She is still a sweet, laid back baby. We could not ask for better. Anyways, here are pictures:

First Bottle

Tummy Time
You can kinda see Charlotte pushing up with her legs here 
(you can also tell she is tired of tummy time and pictures :) )

Charlotte lifting her head

Sucking her hand--my brother and I were finger suckers, 
and it is a horrible habit to break. 
We are trying to push the pacifier instead.

Random Fun Times

 Being woken up to eat

Daddy playing Lottie a lullaby

 I think she looks like her cousin Grayson here

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